イベントレポート:グローバルランチョン<世界をつなぐ瞬間> vol.2 スウェーデンからの留学生インターンご紹介、マドレーヌさんの研究レポート(Global Lunch: Connecting with the World  vol.2 – Introducing our International Intern, Madeleine from Sweden and her research) ENG SUMMARY BELOW

学び舎mom presents「グローバルランチョン世界をつなぐ瞬間スウェーデンからの留学生インターンご紹介、マドレーヌさんの研究レポート」は、日本語と英語で行うバイリンガル歓迎会で社会学研究発表会を開催しました。お茶しながら参加者のみなさんと交流できたイベントです。

マドレーヌさんはスウェーデンのルンド大学院から、ICCコンサルタンツ https://japaninternships.com/who-we-are/ との繋がりを持ち、当社へ長期インターン中です。当社へ8月から参画しているマディーさんは、10月中旬までは名古屋に在住し、先月末からは東京に住まいを移して、リモートワークを織り交ぜたハイブリッドのワークスタイルで、当社のマーケティングとイベント運営業務において、素晴らしい成果を上げています。




2023年11月8日(水) 12:00~15:00


12:00-13:00 ランチ交流会 (現地のみ)

13:00-14:00 カルフォルニア大学の留学生インターン生グループコーチング見学(英語)

14:00-15:00 マドレーヌさんの発表(日本語&英語)

▸会場:楽々テラス@神田駅南口徒歩1分 https://note.com/raku_kanda/










Maddie did a fantastic job showcasing her research and internship experience in both English and Japanese, so as an audience member I learned quite a lot. Another very engaging aspect about the research presentation was being able to listen to other people’s experiences and opinions during the Q&A session. I was also very happy that I was given the opportunity to chime in with questions of my own!(アメリカ出身の参加者)

English Summary of Global Lunch: Connecting with the World  vol.2 – Introducing our International Intern, Madeleine from Sweden and her research

For this event ManabiyaMom presents our bilingual Japanese and English Global Lunch: Connecting with the World  vol.2 – Introducing our International Intern, Madeleine from Sweden and her research

Madeleine is a Master’s student from Lund University introduced to us through ICC Consultants (https://japaninternships.com/who-we-are/). She is currently doing an internship at ManabiyaMom. She began her internship in Nagoya and is now finishing up the rest of the internship in Tokyo. In ManabiyaMom she works remote curating marketing material and supporting our online, hybrid and in person events. 

The event was held hybrid, in Tokyo and online, in which Madeleine presented her research interest and offered interesting discussion points. 

An Introduction of Madeleine

Hello, my name is Madeleine, a.k.a Maddie. I am originally from Sweden and graduated from the International Bachelor’s Degree from Osaka University in 2022. After graduating, I continued onto a Sociology Master’s at Lund University. As a part of the coursework, I am currently doing my internship at ManabiyaMom Inc. 

Please feel free to connect with me via LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/madeleine-v-87278922a/ 

Her Research Interest

The title for the research conducted was The Realities of Foreigners in Japan

Negotiating Racial Identity and Expectations in Japanese Society where she conducted an explorative study interviewing 14 foreigners about life in Japan. Foreigners residing in Japan do not experience extremely discriminatory incidents but do experience differentiation in everyday life in Japan, such as struggling with renting apartments, acquiring a SIM card and having bags checked by the local police. However, with the aging and decreasing demographics in Japan, the demand for foreigners to work in Japan will increase and this research studied the limitations of foreigners in Japan and what can be done to understand their assimilation in the Japanese society. 

During the Q&A session participants were able to ask questions in both Japanese and English, and make comments about societal issues, diversity and exchange of ideas. 

Thank you for joining us and please keep a look out for more events by ManabiyaMom. 


〒460-0007 愛知県名古屋市中区新栄二丁目11番2号 新栄ソレイユビル3F